Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday's AM Flight

Preflight means having to pump out around 20 bilge holes in the top of the floats.  That's followed by a full inspection.  Here I am crossing over to the non-pier side of the plane to continue the check.  I am not levitating.....there is a small wire there.  Scary the first few times!

On the way to Larson Lake.  Those clouds up ahead are above the lake.  Turned out to be very glassy surface and the clouds didn't stop us from doing several landings.  Very steep turns at the far end of the lake and only feet above the trees.  Awesome!

Larson Lake

On the way to Baldy Lake.  Didn't land there.  Too glassy.

Inside the plane.  Nothing fancy.

The sun is out today!!!!
We practiced several new maneuvers today.  The take-off and landings are not a problem for me.  There are so many different taxi maneuvers to do and remember, plus, "on-step", where the speed of the airplane on taxi is enough to get the floats up on the water, is very counter intuitive to what I'm used to.  On land, I have been told over and over to taxi slower.  A high speed taxi on water just seems wrong and the shoreline can come up very fast......no brakes!

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